Use to name a set, assign its weight, and give the number of grades to be dropped. Displays all the grades with their averages ordered by average. Not available because there are no grades in the class. Displays all the grades with their averages ordered by average. Displays all the grades in chronological order with their averages. Not available because there are no grades in the class. Displays all the grades in chronological order with their averages. Compacts all the grades in the class into one grade. Not available because there are no grades in the class. Compacts all the grades in the class into one grade. Removes all grades from the class. Not available because there are no grades in the class. Removes all grades from the class. Removes the selected grade from the class. Not available because no grade is selected from the list of grades. Removes the selected grade from the class. Use to change a grade's name, maximum points, weight, date, and set membership. Not available because no grade is selected from the list of grades. Use to change a grade's name, maximum points, weight, date, and set membership. Displays a dialog box that gives information about the selected grade. Not available because no grade is selected from the list of grades. Displays a dialog box that gives information about the selected grade. Add a new grade to the class. Grades Menu Use this menu to open, close, and delete grades, and to display all grade averages together. Not available because there is no open class. Grades Menu Use this menu to add new grades, to open, close, and delete grades, and to display all grade averages together.